Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stabbing At John Tyler High School

KLTV Channel 7 News

I am a level BEYOND pissed. I can’t believe something like this has happened to my state, my home town, my alma mater. A teacher was killed today at John Tyler High School in Tyler, Texas. Never heard of this place? Well it’s about 2 hours east of Dallas in the very heart of East Texas.
For some reason a regular student felt that it was right to pick on a special education student and preceded to stab him and in the process, math teacher, Todd Henry, was stabbed. He later died on the way to the hospital. My heart, soul and spirit, goes out to his family for healing.
I am enraged by all of this and the level keeps rising higher and higher. There is no way I’m going to sit here and believe that officials let it get THIS far. My sister is a teacher at the very school and every day I prayed that she would be okay and that where she worked was safe for her. This just proves to not only the Local officials but to the school and the community that this is not a safe zone for children as we have led our children believe. There was virtually NO security. No strong presence that ensured the safety of the students. So tell me, why in the hell could something like this get this far
Don’t get me wrong. The boy that did this should get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But he’s not the only blame. I blame the principal for not getting into the school, learning the students, and this is all coming first hand. I blame the district for not enforcing MANDATORY security to ensure that our family members are safe. I blame, especially, the board for allowing someone with the competency of a grape to come in and change things that had been in place for years to come and has made John Tyler a safe place for kids to learn. Not saying that everything was all roses and stars, but at least no one died. At least students learned. At least would not be in danger every day while at school.
It was brought to my attention that after Columbine that it was MANDATORY that ALL schools have security on detail to ensure the safety of the students. Trust me I don’t mind especially if it’s going to mean no one dies today. It is sad that it takes something as extreme as this to come into our lives and beg for change.
I’m laughing behind my tears because they wouldn’t even let the president talk to our kids and inspire them to do something different with their lives, be part of the change. It enrages me to the point of insanity and I want to yell and scream. I am a parent, I am a family member, I am former student and alumni of the school, I am a citizen of the city who DEMANDS better of its district. This was uncalled for and yes this was seen to happen if things didn’t change or even change BACK to security being present at the schools. Police officers being present on the campus. Hell I’m not above metal detectors, CORRECT searches procedures in order to gain the safety of school back.
The funny thing is that I’m not just speaking for John Tyler. I’m speaking for every student, faculty member, family member, community, city, state that has had this problem and it has NOT gone a way by just changing hands to someone else. We need leaders. Not pansy, push-overs, or political idols that think that the quickest solution is a quick buck. WE NEED SOME ONE THAT CARES FOR OUR CHILDREN TO GUIDE THEM. What had been done today was not a display of guidance.

Truly, John Tyler, and every school with this problem, has been left behind.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Too much woman for ya!!

I know I’ve been away but it has been with good reason. My happy life has hit another snag . . . well not really. My husband and I decided to call an end to our 10 year marriage. And though I should be really upset, I knew this was coming sooner or later. With me going to school and working, take care of everything on top of running around with my head cut off, it’s no wonder that he hasn’t left sooner. No tears though, and that leads me to my question.
Is there a such thing as “TOO strong of a woman?”
How many women have heard that the reason that a woman can’t either keep a man or find one is that she is too strong of a woman? I ask this question more to myself than anything else, but still it intrigues me to think that this may be the case. Today, 95% of all mothers today are supermoms. We are either single, married or wish we were either. Taking one or more children, house, career, school, all the while kicking but with our superpowers by staying on top of every school function, every cough, sneeze, cough, and discipline matter that comes along, and still manages at night to be the hottie in the bedroom. And you would think a man would appreciate a woman like that. A lot of the times that‘s not the case. We are taught, by nature, to be strong, and in a lot of ways, stronger than men. We can deal with screaming kids in a small car, become the disciplinarian, and even the bad-guy when it comes to teens, and even sometimes (I did say SOMETIMES) swallow our tongue when it comes to listening and not giving our opinion (Even though we REALLY REALLY REALLY want to).
Personally, I don’t feel that I need a man to take care of me. I can do that just fine, but I want one that respects me, supports me in what I do for the household, is MY backup and I his, and someone who can make me feel safe. Basically my equal. I haven’t found that person yet. And frankly have stopped looking because there few that measure up and none of them have crossed my path just yet.
I’m not in no way saying that I’m perfect and have to have the perfect guy. No. I’m saying my ass is picky and want someone strong enough to handle all this. LOL. And there is a big difference between strong, and a complete dickhead with all the trimmings. It’s like a told a friend of mine. “I’m crazy, and filled with all sorts of aggression 90% of the time. Ain’t no telling what I would do if someone was to hit me. But cowering in a corner ain’t it.”
I have no tolerance, patience, or otherwise for a man that hits his woman, and vice versa. I feel so strong about it. But it makes no sense to hit, call names, or even evil looks. The Mama look is okay, but other than that, looks of hatred are punishable by a muddy meal. LOL
I’m just ranting here, but I really wanted to know what you think? Is there a such thing as too strong of a woman?

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Dazzling New Cover

Happy Weekend!!!

I have been in an uproar from school and work and kids and writing that I have been MIA for a while. But I have some really great to show off.

I finally got the cover for Captive Temptation. Not saying that they were slow or anything,but the wait waws killing me. I felt like sitting in front of the christmas tree at 3am when Mama said we can't open them till 8. AGGGGHHHH!! But the wait paid off and now I have a wonderful cover to be extremely proud of.
Just take a look! >>>>>>

And though my family always have wisecracks about my covers ESPECIALLY my bestfriend Chewie who says it looks like Thriller, they are really supportive and proud of me and push me to do more. I'm really excited about it.
Leah V.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

So Sorry I've been AFK!!!

Hey Everyone!!
I am so sorry I've been AFK (Away from Keyboard) for a while.  I've had a lot of things going on this month that I've had to reprioitise my mental compacity because, let's face it, ain't much swimming around up there now days. LMAO!!
At the beinning of this month, I started school at Texas State Technical College in Marshall, Texas.  It's a 126 mile round trip drive starting at 6:30 in the morning but it's really worth it for a good degree in Software programming and web design.  Yeah, it's a pretty crazy idea to drive so far with gas being so high but I was like what the heck.  The school is great.  And it's OKAY to be geeky there!!!!!  Besides, why not get a degree in something I like doing and keep the money flowing in house as well as a steady income with a paid job.   It's all win win for me.
But that, unfortunately is not all.  I have decided I have stretched myself thin and have still been working on the website for my job.  I have finished to a point and put the critical points up,  but as you know, with wedesign, that ain't all. 
And with work, I have been traveling to different conferences, some of which I didn't expect.  Just recently I drove to Texarkana for a Conference on Geriatric Sensitivity.  It was really in lightneing, but As you know, I don't travel much.  Thought that's something that I want to do, but haven't done yet.  I'm really proud of myself.  I drove all by myself (okay me and my little GPS I got from my mom).  2 hours on the road, company milage, eating on the company credit card, free -to-me hotel with all the trimmings for a night and then the 2 and a half hour drive back home was an experience, that I would like to repeat, so long as I don't have to pay for it. LMAO!!!!!
We writers is poor, I like to say!!
Not to mention that but with as hot as it's been this start of the summer, my air conditioning, has been on the fritz.  I just had it charged in March and now here we go again.  Good thing I'm not paying for that to be done either. LMAO!!! The only bad thing is that it decided to go out the day I'm out of town and miles away from home.  Yet on monday it's getting fixed and my mom will have company all weekend. LMAO!!
But now I am resting at home finishing my home work and working on Book two of my Captive series "Captive Seduction"  and putting the thoughts from paper onto the computer form my trip.  Next month proves to be a pretty dull month.  No trips so I get to get a lot of writing done.
Talk to you soon.
Leah Vaughn
Romance Author
Coming Soon with Red Rose Publishing...
Captive Temptation
Read about it on
Come Visit My Store Today!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Devon's Happy Update

I wanted to give a heads up on my son, Devon.  He's 5 years old with mid to mod Autism.  He's been in the PPCD program since he was 3 years old.  I have worked and worked with him and though they said that he would never be a verbal child, HE TALKS!!! and says all kinds of things, asks for all kinds of things.  I am so excited.  But that's not the best part.  I have been arguing with the school that he's in that he has improved intellectually past the point of being in the PPCD for another year.  He has surpassed their curriculum since he's been in there more than 2 years.  By the end of this year they were thinking of little BS goals just to keep him in there ( i think).  He knows all his colors, letters, shapes, numbers, can trace his name, Identifies his name, knows all of  his family and extended family members names, what kind of car they drive.  ALL sorts of things a 5 year old should know. 


To make a long story short, I, with the help of my mom-in-law, talked in an ARD meeting about him being transitioned out of PPCD and mainstreamed into the next grade.  The teacher thought that he should move to another grade up and that would put him behind. And My thought process was that if he stays at a certain level after he has learned everything he has to learn and not be pushed, then he would get comfortable and digress We had talked about this before, and with just being me, I felt that no one really listens to the mother alone.  Well, after the last 6 ARD meetings I brought out the big guns.  I let my mom-in-law have at them.  That woman, I swear would make the devil run for cover just to get what she wanted.


After talking to them, and getting the results of the test we were able to get Devon transitioned out of PPCD and into Kindergarten for a better push on learning.  I'm not one of these mothers who accepts her child's disability and that's it, no way to help them.  I want Devon to do better, to excel for better than any expectation that the school district had set aside for him. 


I just pray that hopefully that he would be willing to keep it going because the road ahead is not going to be an easy one.




Leah V.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

AK Blackball Support!!!

I am writing on behalf of my favorite author Angela Knight and all the other authors who have had this happened to them.

I know that we shouldn’t pick favorites, but AK's characters have gotten me through some hard times (long story lol). She sent a letter to her group saying that she has been BLACKBALLED by Amazon!! A Bestselling Kensington Author?!!!!! and now her pre-order sales are ranking 1625 while her Kindle sales are best sellers. While I don't understand Amazon's antics lately or the need to blackball some of its most profitable authors, I do sympathize with the many authors out there.

If you love her books, like I do ESPECIALLY her Futuristic Novels, then by all means, pre-order your book at Amazon, or write a letter just showing your concern. Hell, even blogging about it like we have been doing for the past few weeks would do some good. It angers and sickens me as a writer and discourages the new and aspiring authors from producing their work if they are going to be blackballed by sellers who, for the love of me, have a screwed perception of porn. They must've never typed in 'sex toys' in their own search engines. If they have, they would find a whole myriad of things that need to be taken off.

It is a shame that the good ones, us authors, are being blamed for the pitiful downfall of society. The degradation of reading scores in our youth or of people in general. The point that I’m trying to make is that romance whether tangible or in word format, has been around since the beginning of time. It is a shame that some of us have to suffer because of the stupidity of prudes who have a warped way of trying to protect us from the bad things either on the internet or in print.

To be honest, some of the best sex I had was in books LMAO!!! My thing is that it is to take a person away from the dullness of society and poverty, to have it all for at least 300 plus pages and to come back from it with a sigh and a clearer head, a sense of purpose, or even a smile.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have read some books that should not have seen the light of day and wonder what in the hell they were thinking to publish this filth, but in return that is an author, that’s the voice they heard in their heads at the time screaming at them to listen. And if the voice was vulgar, then so is the story. But it takes a really good author to turn that around and make it one of the most tasteful delightful and intriguing stories that have ever been published.

I write smut with taste. I don’t write porn, indulge myself in writing it because it’s not what makes a story. The story, history, culture, the people, the environment, the life, the love between the characters, their differences, their likes, loves, hates, personalities, their entire world…..their hardships MAKE THE STORY!!! It sure as hell makes the romance. As an avid reader I’m not looking for the romance. I’m looking for the story, the believability, and the likeability, and if it doesn’t have that. I don’t need to be reading it. As an author, I make sure these things are in my work.

I could propose a ban on Amazon, and believe me, there are a lot of us hanging around to do it, but what good would that do if I’m just one person and no one listens to just one. It takes a group of people, a whole sea of people to change the thinking of one entity. If not, they are going to do this to someone else, and if they do it to me personally, there’s going to be hell to pay and believe me, it’s going to on every television station in the nation, just because they incited my rage.

Now I’m getting off my soap box and sitting down somewhere. This little woman is tired. LOL

Take care

Leah V.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

After the Party!!

My RRP Author Day was a huge success!! It was perfect thing for me since I was pretty much stuck at home yesterday. The rains here were so bad you couldn’t even see the road. Good thing I had got enough of that on Friday. Lol. A lot of people came by and posted. A special thanks to all the authors in attendance. It was a lot of fun!!! I can’t wait to do it again . . . which would probably be next month. Now, it’s time to start back writing and finishing Warrior’s Heart and getting ready to promote Captive Temptation.

I actually thought about starting the second book to the Captive Series. “Captive Desire or Captive Seduction” whatever’s cleaver. I haven’t sat down and played with them just yet. I have thought about what I am going to do with each of them thought.

Captive Desire follows bounty hunter Remira Satari as she is ordered to take rouge pirate prince Xavien Madore into custody for more counts of thievery but the whole thing goes awry when they are taken captive by the very man that wants Xavien dead. ( I haven’t got out the full synopsis yet but I like the sound of this idea).

Captive Seduction follows Therica, the infamous rouge pirate Golden Scourge, as she pilfers and punders the transport ships of the Secoorian sector. Before her pirating days, Therica and her brother teamed together seduced and robbed a young transport merchant named Kiernan Cregor, stealing his shipment and leaving him dead in space. Kiernan, now a bounty hunter will stop at nothing to catch the Golden Scourge in an attempt to douse the fire that still burned for her. (Still playing around with this one too. Lol).

I’m hoping to get these officially out in the open to where I can write more clearly on them. Maybe this summer when I’m officially finished with Warrior’s Heart. Lol

Now it’s time for me to push myself into being productive. I actually have to clean up today. Lolol. I wanted to extend my thanks again for stopping by and having fun with me yesterday. It was a blast!!!

Take Care!!

Leah V.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

First Ever Author and Reader Day

I am so excited. I am having my first ever Author and Reader day on my yahoo group. I hardly ever talk on my own group being that I’m so busy, but since I have so many friends it was hard to pass up the idea of having them all join me for an author’s day. I think of the benefit of both promoting myself as well as helping my fellow authors in promoting theirs. My group is small, right now, but it is the perfect place to have a group of members chats and bring their friends. I am actually hoping to do this on a by weekly bi-weekly basis. I’m really excited. And what better than to do it on a Saturday (for me, I’m going to be kidless, and not working lol).

Sitting around doing nothing bout talking about contests, free exerpts of great books, and chatting with authors about upcoming work. This is going to be so much fun.

If you haven’t joined my yahoo group yet, please go to and join today.

I am looking forward to seeing you there.

Leah V.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Crippled Yet Again

I managed to hurt my knee all over again. I did it once in January, the day of the Inauguration just dancing and being with my friends (trying to be a little TOO grown lol). One force move and I can’t move the damned thing. Now, mind you, I was alright for the walk out of the bar, and okay for the drive home, but when I stepped out of my car, I couldn’t put pressure on my right leg. And with me not having anymore insurance because of my beautiful dismissal from a certain cable company (laughable), I am left dealing with the pain by soaking my leg in hot water and taking pain killers (and not the good stuff from the doctor either).

Well, after a weeklong of walking with cane assistance as if I’m like a million years old (lol) and more painkillers than I can shake my stick at, I started walking fine and actually started a good workout regimen (I ain’t lost a pound yet, but them thighs is looking good and toned). Just the other day, all that ended when it rained so hard I couldn’t see my bottom step. It never fails that crap always happens when you are being the most careful. While taking the kids to school, I slipped and fell on the bottom step, twisting the same BLASTED knee again!!! So now I’m sitting on my sofa yet again, with my leg propped up. Yet, this time I have a little insurance to at least have it x-rayed. So within the next week, I’ll have a little writing time down and maybe I can finish Warrior’s Heart and have it out. LOL

I’ll let you know about the progress.



Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunday Morning Thought

Happy Sunday Morning!!

I’m sitting here in my bed thinking about the things of this week and trying to make some headway in writing. I’m attending a conference in Austin this week so maybe while I’m get to catch up on some of the writing I’ve been putting off.
I wanted to bring up something that came to mind over the weekend. I have someone very close to me be diagnosed with Autism. Well, you know that I have an autistic son who is fairing very well. Thought this child’s mother is not. And I can really understand. At the time my son was diagnosed, I was dealing with a failing marriage, a job that took up the majority of my time, and there was no way out for me that I can think of. Emotionally, I was a wreck and the only thing I could think of was how in the hell was I going to help my son when I can’t even see myself out of the mess my life was in. To top that off, my other son has ADHD and the time I was having with his school was driving me practically insane (another tale for another day)
I cried like a boo-hooing fool. I didn’t know about the functions of Autism or whether or not my son was ever going to get around the screaming for no apparent reason or t he fits of frustrated rage that followed. And like I said, at the time my marriage was circling the drain so there was little to no help coming from my husband.
And that brings me to my point. There are times that things become so overwhelming that there is no way to see around them. Sometimes the circumstances in our lives impact the things that we do and we are powerless to stop them. But, with that being said, we can certainly work around them.
Autism is a distressing disorder not only to the parents, but to the little ones it effects also. It takes patience and consistency in order to working around some things. If you want to work on a way to communicate with your little one instead of letting him scream (they’re going to do this anyway so get ready), then there are many methods of communication available that have already been developed for other things. Sign Language had been around for years, but it’s not only for people hard of hearing. Some autistic children use this as a way to say that something hurts or is uncomfortable or even for something that they want. Computer use is on the rise with autistic children and the way they can communicate.
And also there is old fashion talking. I chose this method. I knew my son could talk. In my theory if he could vocalize then he could talk. Of course he could scream, that we knew on a constant basis, but if I wanted him to talk I had to work extra hard and be extra patient with him. It wasn’t going to happen overnight. I also noticed his level of input/output of information (sorry he’s not a computer but this is the best term that I could put it in). As far as input wise he is on point. It might not seem like he takes in information, but a few hours later he is mimicking exactly what I just taught him. That shows me that he has cognitive capabilities. As for the output, well he is far behind. When I started, he could only tell me ‘more’ and ‘finished’ in sign language. That was a start. From there we worked on potty training talk, and then food. I constantly talked to my son, making sure he heard language since I wanted him to talk.
This was not easy, and often added in a lot of frustration, redirecting, and heartache when no one else saw the progress I did. Three years later, and my son is talking. He’s still behind as if right now he speaks like a 2 year old. He now asks for things and asks for people. As a mom, I think it’s wonderful and I’m constantly pulling him next to me to hear him talk or say anything (he has such a deep voice).
I’ve come to realize that he is no different than my other children, and then again he is. Devon still gets in trouble, is very mischievous, extremely giggly and happy child, who enjoyed his 5th birthday this year and surprised me by telling me how old he is (I’m still excited). He knows good behavior is rewarded and bad behavior has its consequences. He’s extremely smart and constantly pushing that bar that was given to him three years ago at his first diagnosis. I am extremely proud of him as any mother could be of his progress and want to see so much more for him as he grows.
I haven’t been talking because I feel the need to write. I want to encourage those who are at the low point to keep going. There are certain things that should help make working with your child better.
· Be consistent: It’s hard and repetitive things get on my nerves, but if it helps my child anything will work.
· Be patient: There are times when you just want him to spit it out, but it ain’t gonna happen overnight and not if you’re yelling down his throat. Take a minute to calm down. If you’re calm, he’s calm and the screaming will stop in a minute.
· REDIRECT: By all means find something that you know will hold his attention for a minute to get him to calm down.
· Remind and Remember: Remind him constantly of how to talk or what to do. Remembering to always do so will help him to constantly keep on track.
· Reward good behavior discourage bad behavior: Even autistic kids get in trouble and break things or even terrorizing brother and sister with sticky booger fingers (true story). Good behavior gets the fun stuff, bad behavior gets the serious consequences. Remind him that bad behavior will not be tolerated.
· Develop a different style: Not all styles work for every parent. Developing your own style coping and working through the tough spots.
· Make it fun: Immortalize every smile, every giggle, every kiss on the cheek, every hug. Making it fun for them well make it a lot easier for you. TRUST ME!!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at I look forward to hearing from you.

Leah V.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Ebay and the weather

I'm having this addiction this week with ebay. I think it's because I haven't used it in a while. I'm sitting here at 4 in the morning trying to not be out bidded but . . . yeah like that works. i have a limit and I put it in, then go to bed. When I wake up I've been out bidded by the same person on two items. I'm not stupid nor desparate. My DH tells me that it's because they are trying to get a higher price on it and have someone with an ebay account to login and outbid. I think they are full of crap and I would much rather deal with the local circuit but you can never find those guys. I'm not a quitter so i'll keep looking for what i want hopefully I'll get it.

Well it's been raining on and off here for weeks. I love spring don't get me wrong, but either it's too damn cold to function, one minute, the next it's so damn hot that my clothes stick to me. It's either the heat or the damn rain. UGH Texas weather. Yesterday was a B-E-A-Utiful day. No clouds, a little chill to the air in the moring, but warmed up to about 76 degrees in the afternoon. The sky had that pretty solstace ozone blue color that I love to see in the spring and the fall. And will it stay the same, NOPE. Right now it's raining, cats and dogs might I add, and thanks to my 20 yearold dryer my grandmother gave me, I'm outside at the laundry mat drying clothes. It's just freaky you can see the wind and the rain rolling across the street as it comes in. The wind blowing hard feeling the light shake of the car with each burst. Pretty yet, frightening if you don't like being out in this weather. I know I don't. I would much rather be at home cuddling up to my DH partly because we live in a mobile home and the thunder and lightening sounds much louder then.

To top that off, I've fighting off ANOTHER bout of laryngitis with sinus congestion. SIGH

Well the clothes are done. Going home now. TATA!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


That's right Book one of my Captive series Now has a home with Red Rose Publishing. While I am very prould of this book I am extremely excited to have another book out and about. It's like sending the kiddies off the college or something. So in all the excitement I'm going to share this wonderful book with your.

Captive Temptation

Gage Tallon stood above the rest when it comes to apprehending fugitives of Law Enforcement. Because of his troubled past and a failed military career, being a bounty hunter is the perfect position. No boundaries yet still so disciplined. Yet, those skills are put to the test when Naeva, his long time friend and former lover, is framed for the murder. Not only is there danger lurking in every nook and cranny of Prixa, but after years of being apart, feelings he though were long dead began to resurface, leaving him quaking with a need so strong it can’t be denied. The moment he looked into her eyes he knew he was lost and helping her clear her name seemed to be the only way to finding himself.

Dr. Naeva Orien lived a life of solitude and seclusion while working as a hematologist for one of the largest medical research companies in the sector. The daughter of a renowned doctor and heiress to a very profitable medical facility, she throws herself in to her work making bionics and improving blood healing qualities in humanoids. Yet her world is turned upside down when her lab is attacked she learns she is framed for not only the death of her colleagues but her father as well. Fearing the worst for her own fate she runs only to fall into the arms of the one man she would never expect, Gage Tallon.

Together, the two dodge bullets and a vicious enemy who threats to tear them apart. With the company of some powerful friends and gracious allies, it’s an all out fight to clear Naeva’s name and stay alive . . . or die trying.

Sexy exerpt

From the look in his glowing green eyes, she could tell he was angry. No, past that. The man was pissed, and with all that muscle, he could do to her whatever he wanted.

“Come here,” he said in a low growl. Didn’t this man say anything normal?
Swallowing the lump in her throat she took a tentative step forward. Then another, until she was directly in front of him. He towered over her, looking ever so intimidating. She wasn’t about shrink away like a little mouse, no matter how scared she felt. Instead of shrinking back (like she felt), she squared her shoulders and met his gaze. She wasn’t about to let some 6 foot 4 hunter intimidate her, no matter who he was.

This wasn’t the same boy she left on Hudani or the man she’d saved a year ago. This man looked crueler, the face of a mercenary, with a heart of silver, unbiased. Gabriel was gone, replaced with a harder, meaner looking Gage who always had a ‘my way, no highway option’ attitude, and to her horror she felt compelled to be with him every time.

Old feelings began to surface the moment she saw him. The ice chipped off her heart enough to let him in always, her mind thinking back to the time she’d given herself to him, teenagers in love. The heartache that followed the next day when she had to leave him behind. There was no doubt she had hurt him. She never truly got over leaving him on Hudani. The pain of it all still fresh in her heart. How could she tell him how much she really missed him? That she still loved him in some way? That she was grateful that it was him that found her of all the hunters registered in Law Enforcement? Trusting him would be a good start.

“Computer, engage magnetic lock antigrav.”
Naeva shrieked as her hands jerked into the air connecting with the invisible force of the magnetic lock. She looked at him, eyes widened with shock, her feet dangling several inches from the floor.

“What the hell are you doing?!” She jumped as she felt the warm touch of his rough hands against the silk around her waist. She shivered despite her shock and anger.

“Searching for weapons.” The low whisper of his voice in her ear threatened to damage her calm.

He circled her, his hand never leaving her waist. She felt his warm breath fan the gentle hairs on her neck causing another shiver to escape. He growled as his gentle touch scaled down her arms to her shoulders.

“You’re shivering. Scared I’m going to do something to you?”

Nothing I don’t want done to me already. “N-no.” Her voice still held a tremble. “Why?”

“You’re heart his racing.”

The warmth of his gentle hands on her fevered flesh stole her breath. He smoothed the fabric underneath her out stretched arms to the front just below her breasts. She remained still but a brutal battle waged within her. If he would only move his hand a little the Goddess! Just touch me. Her breast adamantly screamed.

She whimpered in surrender when he finally cupped them. He paused, seemingly fighting a dilemma within himself as well. Strong fingers tested their fullness, molding almost caressing her taunt nipples. The torment nearly sent her over the edge.

His hands lingered there gently molding her breast before slipping over the expanse of her stomach. Liquid heat pooled between her thighs at his slow and endless torture. She had to fight everything not to allow her head to drop back or even whimper. His hands felt so good on her body…so right.

Great Goddess, he still had the touch. The touch felt as if his energy passed into her, strengthening and weakening her at the same time, pitting deep inside her womb with a throbbing ache that couldn’t be denied. And the whole time she craved more of it. More of him.

Naeva bit her lip, fighting back the strong urge to moan. “Find any weapons yet?” She grounded out.

“No,” his voice a low sensual purr. His hand coming back to her breast to pinch her nipple. A delicious shiver rippled through her. “If I find any, it would make this an interesting search.”
Goddess, wouldn’t it? The fire within her burned hotter.

“Spread you legs.” The fight in her gone, and the antigrav at her disposal, she spread her easily. His hands gently moved to her inner thigh to help the spread. Behind the thin layer of her thong, her clit ached to be touch, caressed.

Her blood boiled threatened to burst from her very veins. She felt him bend down as he continued his sweet torture down her legs to her sandaled feet. Then he made his way back up molding her ass possessively. His hot breath fanned her neck again. She heard the loud roar of blood rushing through her ears. She shivered so badly by the time he finished she shook in mid air. Had her knees been together, they would’ve knocked.

Then it was over. He moved away from her taking the warmth of his body with him.

Monday, March 16, 2009

GO RRP!!!!!


Red Rose Publishing is featured on the Essence Magazine Website with big hitters such as the wonderful, talented Ms. LA Banks, the phenomenal Actor/Writer Michael Boatman (OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!)!! Congrats Wendi and her high-flying, over-the-top super team of editors, designers, and administrators. They have come a long way from their start two years ago with just a few books to now measuring over the scale topping sales!!! I am proud to be part of such a wonderful company!!

Check out the Essence website for more details.

Warrior's Heart Exerpt

Hey Peeps!!

I’ve been working a little bit trying to get Warrior’s Heart off the ground. Trust me I haven’t forgot about it. Just to give you a little treat, because you have been so patient and understanding, here is a little tidbit on the beginning of the book. I totally rethought Nah’Dara. Of course she’s going to be head strong (and what woman you know is going to sit by and be cooped up in a castle all day and not be able to have any fun).
I had some pondering to do and thought that if I wanted her Uncle to just ship her off on some other person without any regard for her say-so, especially if the story is set in the future, I didn’t want her uncle to be a good guy. This took a huge amount of thought since this is my first baby and I’m giving her a face lift. Mind you it’s a cold draft so please be gentle with me. I just pulled this out of the top of my head. Tell me what you think??

Love ya

Leah V.

Mini exerpt from Warrior’s Heart.

Nah'Dara stared coolly ahead trying not to look her uncle in the eye. The cold green eyes seemed to pierce though her as he took his seat behind the desk. She could almost feel the faint shiver from Kianan as she stood next to her. She almost felt sorry for her. Her father wasn't the easiest disciplinarian...well to her, he wasn't at all. Yet instead of shrieking and yelling as if he'd lost his mind, he just sat there, the ice in his eyes froze her in her place.
He watched the playback from the vid of what happened. After he finished, he leaned back in his chair pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fighting? Fighting?" Duh, got that. Move to the next section. "After I forbade you from leaving the planet. Let alone the castle.” His cultured voice rumbled with repressed anger. “I'm having a hard time understanding this."

"Uncle Trent, let me explain--"

"I don't want to hear you pitiful explanation. Do you know that the person you hit was the son of a really powerful King in that sector. You could have started a war."

Kianan stepped forward. "Father, it wasn't her fault. She was just protecting me."

"I told you I don't want to hear any explanations. Not even yours. I'll deal with you later." Kianan stepped back, her head dropped slightly. "I put too much time in this position to see it fouled up by a woman who doesn't make good choices. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Nah’Dara just stood there, trying not to let her already boiling anger seep out of her ears. The night had already been a total bust. All she just wanted to go to my room, enjoy the sonic shower, and forget it ever happened.

“I’m waiting on an explanation.”

“Oh, so now you want me to give you one?” She folded her arms across her chest. “I thought you didn’t want to hear it.”

“Don’t test me, child.”

“Don’t make it so easy,” Nah'Dara murmured shrugging my shoulders.

Uncle Trent sat up sharply in his chair. His eyes blazed like fire. “I don’t have time for this foolishness, Nah’Dara and not enough for me to clean up your messes.” He looked to Kianan shaking his head. “Your actions have corrupted Kianan as well.”

Kianan stepped forward giving her chin a defiant rise. “She didn’t corrupt me, father. I asked to go.”

I could practically hear the water boiling around his brain. “Silence, Kianan. This has nothing to do with you.” Kianan scoffed as if offended but didn’t refuse. Trent pushed a button on his desk activating the comm. “I need someone to escort Kianan to her room.” The guard was there within seconds. “I don’t want her to step one foot outside her door unless it is to go to the dining hall. Is that understood?”

“Yes, sir.” The guard took her shoulder guiding her out of the room. When the door shut behind them, she turned her gaze back to Uncle Trent.

“Now we’re prisoners?”

“If that’s what it takes then…” He shrugged not finishing the sentence. He didn’t have to finish. She knew what a slime he was and what he was capable of. “And you know I’m all for what works.” Gone was the anger in his face cooled by the icy chill in his green eyes.

He walked over to her. Before she could brace herself, Trent slapped me across the face. The sting of the impact stung her jaw.

“Nah’Dara, do you have any idea on what this has cost us?” He gripped my shoulders harshly giving them a firm shake. “The Sultan of Kahan doesn’t want anything to do with you now. This little transmission got out to him and now he has pulled back all ties from us. Do you understand how much money that’s cost us? How vulnerable we are?”

Nah’Dara yanked out of his grasp. An angry chuckle rose from her lips as she raked her tongue across the slightly blooded area on her lip. She stilled herself as best as she could trying my best not to come unglued.

“And I care that you didn’t receive any money for my marriage because…”

The anger in his eyes glinted as he smiled. “You should care because every bit of money that comes in to this house, comes in for the betterment of keeping you on the social latter and available.”

“More like money in your pocket. I think it’s the only reason why you’ve stayed.”

The anger returned to his eyes quickly. “I don’t give a damn why you’ve think I’ve stayed. The only thing you have to be worried about its fixing this matter with the Altarian government before we get into a bigger mess than we’re already in.”

“The war with the Altarians isn’t my fault. I didn’t borrow money from them and never returned it. That was you.”

“That’s besides the point.” I held my remark resulted to arching a brow and folding my arms.

“The point is that we have to fix the relationship between us. The Altarians are powerful allies and it would be best to have them in our corner.”
She knew what he was referring to. He was going try and force her into another unwanted marriage. And that is something she had no intention of ever going through again. “I don’t think so.”

As Nah'Dara turned towards the door. He called to her.

“You have no choice. I decide who marries you. Whether you are willing or not.”

“I do have a choice.”

“Says who? No one would dare go against me in this. I am the only legal guardian you have since your brother disappeared months after your father’s death.”

Her temper surged to live again barely restrained by a then thread. “You leave Erion out of this.”

Damn, she hated when he brought up her brother. The one topic that could set her over the edge. As bad as she wanted to slap the cool smile off his face she didn't move. “Why Nah’Dara. Hit a nerve did I? You have no one. No friends. No family accept me. It’s bet you accept what life I’m trying to give you and go on.”

Who could have respect for someone who treats her like she is some possession to be sold off at the highest credit? Certainly not me, and I won’t have it.

“Do what you want, Uncle Dear. You always do anyway.” She glared at him challenging the steal in his eyes. “Just remember that if I’m not willing, then the whole thing wouldn’t last long anyway.”

Nah'Dara didn't wait for him to excuse her to leave. She couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him any longer. She felt the ants of her unsettled nerves crawling up her arm. Besides that, the quicker she walked out the door, the better she wouldn’t hurl a crystal vase at his head. There was no way in hell she was going to go through another arranged marriage especially to some old fool that has no business marrying a young woman.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Twitting like a Pro

I’m supposed to be blogging but Twitter is so freaking addicting. It’s like the updates in Yahoo Messenger and MySpace that I used on a constant basis. I actually like it. The best thing is that I like receiving the messages on my cell phone (I’m not THAT crazy. Of course I have unlimited messaging, I only play crazy on TV!). I really like Twitter, though I’ve only been using it for about an hour now. It’s really interesting. There are 2nd grade Kids using it and people using it in church!!!(No joke! It was on the news!!). I’m not going as far as to using it in church for the simple fact that I sit next to my mom and she likes to swat me if I even think about pulling out my cell. LOL. If you wanna have a look or to even try it out, you can take a look at my page www.twitter/ladyofgrac25 (Again, It’s really cool).

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blabbing about exercise

Time for a change.

No, this is not because we have a new prez in office, or nothing like that. This has been a year of change from the get go for me starting back when I separated from my husband a year ago. After being off work for the past 6 months, I have noticed my waist spreading ESPECIALLY since my husband started back cooking. LOLOL he’s a really great cook. But what the doctor said last week really hit home. I needed to lose weight. When I weighed I was 244 the biggest I’ve ever been in my life even after kids. Now I’ve always been healthy (that’s a nice way to put that I’m fat) and have NEVER worried about my weight because of my high metabolism. Well, that was cut short since I stopped working at a high speed job where I was constantly on my feet. I know for myself I have gained 40 lbs and 20 of that over the last 6 months.
To make a long story short, it’s time I did something about it. The idea to lose the pounds does come from the way I look in the mirror (cuz, I’m still a beautiful thick sista with a lot mo’ to luv), but this is coming from a long family history of medical problems that really does have scared. There’s heart disease, diabetes type 2, cancer, lung disease, mental illness, high blood pressure. Basically what every you can think of that contributes to low activity. It really hits close to home when within the last few years I lost my dad to congestive heart failure and my mother developed type 2 diabetes. The whole thing scares me beyond belief, but I’m willing to get off my tuckus and do something about it.


I’m not going to drive myself crazy on a diet that I know I’m not going to keep up or pills that are only going to make gaining the weight back fast much more easy. Counting calories on the back of boxes is about the only extent of my abilities at this moment. I made a plan to exercise. I found a really good website out there and researched as well as past exercises that have worked for me and I’m going to try them out to see if they work. I will keep you all posted. I have a goal time to at least loose 20lbs by June 5th just in time for my high school reunion. (You notice I said nothing about getting back down to my size 14 jeans as I was in high school HAAA!!!) I’m going to be realistic about the whole thing. I don’t want to do it, but with my aching knees and back screaming at me to be more active, it leaves me no choice.

Today, I’m not just typing and running my mouth. I actually got outside my house and walked for 30 minutes. I live in the country so I carried a big stick that should’ve been attached to a sledge hammer (the better to beat the hell out of big dogs with). Slow at first, then brisk, the cool off as I was told before. But by the end, because of my in activity, that old back of my started screaming bloody murder. I’m just grateful it wasn’t my knee. Music helps take my mind off the pain, too, thanks to my daughter’s MP3 player. (I gotta get me one of these!!!) And walking helped to clear my cluttered brain as well. Maybe I’ll finish working on one of the many stories swimming around in my head. LOL!!!

(LONG WINDED I KNOW, lol) Ya’ll just pray for me. It’s going to be a long ride.