Sunday, January 21, 2007

Leah's Thoughts About Sex and Romancing The Story

After reading a book from one of my favorite authors (Angela Knight) I came to one conclusion. If the characters in your story want to screw like bunnies, let 'em.

I have been sitting here thinking bout Fire and Desire and wondering what road I would take with my characters. I have written several sex scenes that I have yet to put in to the story thinking that if i did this then it would be more about sex than the story.

I've always thought about sex scenes like this, but one you start writing you find that it's not about the sex, it's about the story.

Sure it sells, but would you read a book that all they did was have hot steamy sex and there was no story to it? Yeah, probably, but no. Eventually you'd be throwing it across the wall along with the other bad ones you read.

There has to be a story. Some where inside all the sex and lust there has to be something meaningful to help fluff the sheets. Whether its a warlord taking revenge against the people that killed his family using the United Galactic President's eldest daughter to exact his revenge. (You know what I mean), or a husband trying to think of a way to get his wife back into his arms, there has to be a story.

"And the Muse said, 'Let there be SEX!'"

Okay, now to the nitty gritty. Every good book hooks you in with the first sentence but better books have the mention of sex within the first few pages. The eye poppers, I say, have you gasping for breath with every word. Be creative. Better yet, you know how you want to be treated, or mistreated by a Merc or some strong alpha male bent on sexual play. Write about it and don't be stingy on the nitty gritty. Make the scene worth while. Make the reader want to turn the page.

Let your imagination run wild with ideas. Put yourself in the heroine's shoes and find out what she wants. Is he hot like GQ, knock 'em dead, lady killer kind of hot? Is he possessive, special ability, dark, manipulative? Erotic? How does he make her feel just by standing there? Ask yourself (heroine) the questions and write them down if you must. If you don't think that they would be good for now, keep them. they would be good later.

Now put yourself in your hero's mind and ask the same questions, but you know you have to sweeten the deal a bit. "Every man likes a little meat and if you got a lot of meat then the more time it's gonna take him to get to the bone." (my mama said that!!) LOL But it's true. You don't have to be a stick figure all the time. Give the heroine voluptuality and a hidden sexuality that would entice any man.

Last but not least, bring them to life. let them explore each other, touch, feel, taste, see-mental, see-physical. Use every sense and emotion that comes to mind to let that moment be one of many great moments between them. And Enjoy!!!

Enough ranting...but if you got a topic you wanna discuss email me here.

Leah V.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Leah's Decision...

I thought a lot about the new novel I'm working on and I come to one conclusion. There is just too much to go in one book!!! I thought about writing a series starting with Aleqwyn and Chantiryn first then Vanessa and Tyron second, then Cole and Lyta third, then ending with all three couples in the ending series.

Speaking of characters...I had to add an odd ball in there. Cole was partially turned into a Dark Minion.

Vanessa is Chanti's friend and Coles twin sister, who is badly injured during the last fight with Dark Lord and is taken care of by Tyon on Alura.

Cole was partially turned into a Dark Minion ( I say partially because he's still fighting it), but is saved by Lyta when she heals him of a deadly wound. She see's his heart is still good and places a field of protection around it.

And then of course there's Aleq and Chanti. Which I think I honestly thought to put them off until last, but now I don't know. They've grown on me. It has been difficult to visualize Aleq any thing but strong domineering but he is still a total sweety. I've started with Aleq and Chanti I think I'll end with them too, but bigger and badder than the last one. You know I have to have my Bad guys and the last bad guy is a whopper. You'll kinda guess but then you knock it off like I have. lol.

Not to put too much out there, but there is a lot of story to tell with this one. I think that you all will be surprised. Oh, and lots of steamy sex scene to keep every one happy.

Got to go blogging from school. TTFN more news about Fire and Desire on the way.
