Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Red Rose Publishing RWA Recognized!!

Extra! Extra!! Red Rose Publishing is now a RWA Recognized publisher!!

I am so excited to announce this. Of course, Wendi, my beloved editor and chief has done nothing but good since opening up RRP. I am so proud to be part of a company that has it's main drive is to publish quality ebooks and not throw something out there just to make a quick buck. Her biggest drive is her authors. Though the company just opened up in July, RRP has made waves on the net with its contest not to mention a variety of tantalizing reads to catch everyone's appetites.

Yes, I sound biased, and I should. For the first quarter sails for this booming publisher have topped what MGP did in it's entire frivolous life. RRP made over 2900 book sales (combined with site, Fictionwise, Mobi Pocket and ARE sales). Top that Mardi Gras. Teresa couldn't get those sales if she'd pulled the out of her....okay, I'll be nice.

But all and all, I am extremely proud to be a part of a good family and I made a really good choice in putting my novels here. And by the way it's growing, it's going to become one of the great pubs like Samhain and Ellora's Cave and Loose-ID.

Leah V.
