Saturday, April 11, 2009

First Ever Author and Reader Day

I am so excited. I am having my first ever Author and Reader day on my yahoo group. I hardly ever talk on my own group being that I’m so busy, but since I have so many friends it was hard to pass up the idea of having them all join me for an author’s day. I think of the benefit of both promoting myself as well as helping my fellow authors in promoting theirs. My group is small, right now, but it is the perfect place to have a group of members chats and bring their friends. I am actually hoping to do this on a by weekly bi-weekly basis. I’m really excited. And what better than to do it on a Saturday (for me, I’m going to be kidless, and not working lol).

Sitting around doing nothing bout talking about contests, free exerpts of great books, and chatting with authors about upcoming work. This is going to be so much fun.

If you haven’t joined my yahoo group yet, please go to and join today.

I am looking forward to seeing you there.

Leah V.