Saturday, June 20, 2009

So Sorry I've been AFK!!!

Hey Everyone!!
I am so sorry I've been AFK (Away from Keyboard) for a while.  I've had a lot of things going on this month that I've had to reprioitise my mental compacity because, let's face it, ain't much swimming around up there now days. LMAO!!
At the beinning of this month, I started school at Texas State Technical College in Marshall, Texas.  It's a 126 mile round trip drive starting at 6:30 in the morning but it's really worth it for a good degree in Software programming and web design.  Yeah, it's a pretty crazy idea to drive so far with gas being so high but I was like what the heck.  The school is great.  And it's OKAY to be geeky there!!!!!  Besides, why not get a degree in something I like doing and keep the money flowing in house as well as a steady income with a paid job.   It's all win win for me.
But that, unfortunately is not all.  I have decided I have stretched myself thin and have still been working on the website for my job.  I have finished to a point and put the critical points up,  but as you know, with wedesign, that ain't all. 
And with work, I have been traveling to different conferences, some of which I didn't expect.  Just recently I drove to Texarkana for a Conference on Geriatric Sensitivity.  It was really in lightneing, but As you know, I don't travel much.  Thought that's something that I want to do, but haven't done yet.  I'm really proud of myself.  I drove all by myself (okay me and my little GPS I got from my mom).  2 hours on the road, company milage, eating on the company credit card, free -to-me hotel with all the trimmings for a night and then the 2 and a half hour drive back home was an experience, that I would like to repeat, so long as I don't have to pay for it. LMAO!!!!!
We writers is poor, I like to say!!
Not to mention that but with as hot as it's been this start of the summer, my air conditioning, has been on the fritz.  I just had it charged in March and now here we go again.  Good thing I'm not paying for that to be done either. LMAO!!! The only bad thing is that it decided to go out the day I'm out of town and miles away from home.  Yet on monday it's getting fixed and my mom will have company all weekend. LMAO!!
But now I am resting at home finishing my home work and working on Book two of my Captive series "Captive Seduction"  and putting the thoughts from paper onto the computer form my trip.  Next month proves to be a pretty dull month.  No trips so I get to get a lot of writing done.
Talk to you soon.
Leah Vaughn
Romance Author
Coming Soon with Red Rose Publishing...
Captive Temptation
Read about it on
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